Friday, 17 September 2021

I lost August

Last week was July and suddenly we're in the middle of September. I'm sure that someone out there is speeding up time.

Not that I have nothing to show for it. My attempts to learn Hardanger continue with limited success on the technical side. I can Kloster and Eyelet and Buttonhole, but I'm still having problems with my woven bands. The finished diamond is a mess, but I hope to do better with the next one. At least this time I didn't cut the wrong threads and have to re-weave them.

The poor thing is getting a bit creased with being carried around, so I'll need to sort that out, but The Mysterious Mr. G seems pleased with it so far.

I've been taking this to my Monday group, Leith Friendly Crafters. Crochet is the in thing at the moment, but I'm working on them. One of these days someone is going to join the embroidery corner of the table.

I also got volunteered by a friend. She runs a craft group at Café Sentosa, in Albert Street on a Wednesday evening (5.30 to 8.30).  "Would you come along and bring whatever you're working on? You just have to sit there and give advice, or show people how". It seems to be going well, though there are things we take for normal (as learned in the USA) that are new to people here. When I brought out a frame weight they were impressed, when I stripped and laid threads on 'The Big Project' they were fascinated.

'The Big Project' is still taking up a lot of my stitching time, but I'm now onto the inner base. Only four more of these to do and the main part of the stitching is complete. Next comes the frame. That's going to be fun. I know where I want to get to, but I'm still not 100 percent sure how to do so.

I know I'm going to need advice and probably assistance for the next bit. I may start with a visit to our local Model Railway shop. How do you link Needlepoint and Model Railways? I haven't an answer on that yet, but when this project is finished I intend to create a dedicated page with the whole story.

And somewhere in that lost time I baked our Christmas cakes. Plural. Every year I make one for us and one to share with friends. They get baked on the last weekend in August or the first in September and then every two weeks they get taken from their boxes and given 'a wee dram'. According to the recipients, it's best not to drive after a slice.

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